Latino Voters' Trust on Immigration

A recent Equis poll shows that 41% of Latino registered voters in battleground states trust Donald Trump more on immigration than Joe Biden, with many Latinos identifying as independent and working-class voters leaning more toward the GOP. Democrats no longer hold the advantage they once did with Latinos on immigration.

Encounter with Black and Latino Trump Supporters

NBC News reporter Dasha Burns encountered Black and Latino Trump supporters who shut her down when she confronted them about the former president's 'racist' rhetoric. The supporters focused on Trump's policies rather than his words, particularly on immigration and economic issues.

Latino Support for Deportations and Border Wall

A recent poll found a growing number of Latinos supporting deportations and the construction of a border wall, with Cuban Americans showing the most support. The poll also showed concerns about Biden's border policies, costs, and crime rates.

Latino Unemployment Rate under President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden recently claimed that under his presidency, the Latino unemployment rate reached the lowest in a 'long, long time,' but in reality, it was the lowest since September 2019. The rate has since increased to 5% as of February 2024.

President Biden's efforts to appeal to Latino voters in Arizona

Arizona voters express discontent with President Biden's efforts to appeal to Latino voters in Arizona, citing issues such as inflation, economic stability, crime, and public safety.

Latino Historical Sites Preservation

Many historical sites connected to key moments in Latino civil rights are forgotten, decaying, or at risk of disappearing, highlighting the need for preservation and recognition of Latino history in the U.S.