Centenarian celebrates 100th birthday after only 25 actual birthdays due to being born on Leap Day

Mary Lea Forsythe, born on Leap Day in 1924, celebrated her 100th birthday with family and friends in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. She has only had 25 actual birthdays. Her life story includes meeting her husband in high school, his service in World War II, and her faith-based outlook on life.

Leap Day Quiz Delayed to 2036

A quiz scheduled for March 1 is delayed, with plans for a leap day-themed quiz in 2036. The article also mentions celebrities born on Feb. 29 and the concept of 'leaplings'.

Leap Day Celebrations

Nearly 80 'leaplings' celebrated their leap day birthday on a Caribbean cruise in 2020. This year, many 'leaplings' plan to celebrate their special day with various activities, including weddings, parties, and family gatherings.

Leap Day: Why February 29 Exists

Leap day, February 29, occurs nearly every four years to make up for the fact that a year is not exactly 365 days. It has historical roots in various civilizations and different calendar systems. Leap day impacts birthdays, calendar systems, and traditions like women proposing to men. Some propose changing to a Permanent Calendar for consistency.