Political defection from Conservative Party to Reform UK

Lee Anderson, a former Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party, has defected to the Nigel Farage-founded Reform UK Party, citing concerns about mass migration, crime, and the stifling of free speech within the Conservative Party. His move is seen as a boost for Reform UK, which is gaining traction in national polls.

Political Controversy Surrounding Lee Anderson's Suspension

Former Conservative MP Lee Anderson was suspended for accusing London Mayor Sadiq Khan of being under the 'control' of 'Islamists', leading to backlash from voters and a divide within the Tory party.

Suspension of Lee Anderson from Conservative Party

Former deputy chairman of the Conservative Party, Lee Anderson, was suspended from the party after refusing to apologize for asserting that London Mayor Sadiq Khan is controlled by Islamists. His comments sparked outrage and were deemed Islamophobic and racist by Khan and fellow Conservative MP Nus Ghani. Anderson, who defected to the Tories in 2018, served as deputy chairman until his suspension for not apologizing for his remarks.