Former President Trump's Conviction and Fallout

Former President Trump's conviction in New York leads to a windfall of campaign cash for both his own campaign and other Republican election funds. Legal scholars have pointed out flaws in the case despite the unanimous jury verdict. Biden acknowledges Trump's right to appeal but avoids commenting on claims of being a political prisoner. Various reactions and developments follow Trump's conviction.

Guilty Verdict of Donald Trump in Business Records Case

The Biden campaign is cheering the guilty verdict of former President Donald Trump in New York today in his business records case, despite legal scholars questioning the merits of the case. Trump has been found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records in Manhattan. The Biden campaign statement emphasized that no one is above the law.

Former President Donald Trump's criticism of Judge Juan Merchan in hush money trial

Former President Donald Trump criticized Judge Juan Merchan before entering the courtroom for his hush money trial, claiming the case was brought against him because of Joe Biden and accusing the judge of being corrupt and conflicted.

Bias and Injustice in Donald Trump's Business Records Trial

Legal scholars and critics express disgust over bias and injustice in Donald Trump's trial, citing unfair treatment by Judge Juan Merchan. The trial is criticized for lack of due process and prejudice against the defense team.

Former President Trump's False Claims on Roe v. Wade and Abortion

Former President Trump falsely claimed that all legal scholars wanted Roe v. Wade to be ended, despite many scholars supporting the ruling. His position on abortion involves states making their own decisions with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. Trump has also repeated false claims about Democrats supporting abortions up to and beyond the ninth month, which is illegal. The majority of Americans oppose overturning Roe v. Wade.