Disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370

The mystery behind the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which vanished 10 years ago, is still unsolved. Aerospace scientist Richard Godfrey and Sarah Bajc, partner of a passenger on the plane, discuss the ongoing search efforts and theories surrounding the disappearance.

Disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370

Families of Chinese passengers from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 still seek answers 10 years later, visiting officials in Beijing and demanding information. The majority of passengers were Chinese, sparking emotional pleas from elderly parents and others who lost loved ones. The plane disappeared in 2014 with 239 people on board, drawing global attention and generating conspiracy theories. Debris is the only trace found so far.

New Theory about Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370

Alan Diehl, an investigator of plane crashes, presents a new theory in his book 'Best Laid Plans' about the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, suggesting it may have been intentionally flown into the Andaman Sea northwest of Malaysia by the pilot to make a political statement. The search efforts so far have mainly focused on the southern Indian Ocean. Various theories exist about the fate of the plane, including suicide, hijacking, and political statements.

Renewal of Search for Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370

Malaysia's government may renew the hunt for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean after a U.S. technology firm proposed a new search based on new scientific evidence.