House GOP Rules Changes Advocated by Speaker Mike Johnson

Speaker Mike Johnson is advocating for rules changes in the House GOP to ensure a majority of the GOP gets its way, aiming to rebuild the power of the House speakership.

Senate Majority Battle in 2024 Elections

Retired Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy, a Republican, discusses the importance of his race against Sen. Jon Tester in Montana. Outside groups aligned with Mitch McConnell report record fundraising to win back the Senate majority in the upcoming elections.

Retirement of GOP House Members

Former President Trump criticizes GOP House members retiring early, causing a razor-thin majority, making passing party-line votes difficult.

House Democrats Targeting Vulnerable Republican Lawmakers in 2024 Election Cycle

House Democrats are targeting vulnerable Republican lawmakers in California, New York, and New Jersey in an effort to win back the majority in the upcoming 2024 election cycle.

Political News

Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for House Speaker Mike Johnson's removal, citing the need to maintain Republican majority in the House.

Political Pressure on Republican Speaker of the House

Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, is under pressure as the party's majority is deteriorating due to recent resignations and upcoming special elections. The slim majority of Republicans in the House is at risk of further decline, making it challenging to pass legislation.