Special Election in North Alabama

Democrat Marilyn Lands defeated Republican Teddy Powell in a special election for a state House seat in north Alabama, flipping the seat from red to blue. Lands focused on reproductive rights and IVF access in her campaign.

Alabama State Senator Tim Melson and Democrat Marilyn Lands in Alabama Special Election

Alabama State Senator Tim Melson discusses recent legislation granting IVF providers and patients civil and criminal immunity following a state Supreme Court ruling. Democrat Marilyn Lands wins a special election in Alabama, focusing on abortion and IVF issues. Lands plans to repeal bans on abortion exceptions and protect IVF and contraception.

Alabama Special Election and Abortion Rights

Marilyn Lands, a Democratic candidate, won a special election for a state House seat in Alabama after focusing on in vitro fertilization and abortion rights in her campaign. Lands defeated Republican Teddy Powell and aims to repeal Alabama's abortion ban and restore access to IVF.