Russian Navy Sailors in Venezuela's Independence Day Celebration

Russian Navy sailors participated in Venezuela's Independence Day celebration, showing support for the socialist regime led by Nicolás Maduro. The presence of Russian officials in the parade has sparked controversy within Venezuela.

India-Israel Relations and Military Cooperation

Former Israeli ambassador to India suggests India may be sending weapons to Israel as a return favor for support in the 1999 Kargil War. India has condemned Hamas and remained silent on IDF operations against them. Reports indicate India may be providing military assistance to Israel.

Vladimir Putin's Visit to North Korea

Vladimir Putin visited North Korea to strengthen ties with Kim Jong Un, signing a pact for mutual defense and military cooperation. The deal raises concerns about the transfer of military technology to North Korea and its nuclear capabilities. The visit is seen as a way to challenge the United States and its allies.

Ukrainian President Accuses China of Aiding Russia

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy accuses China of helping Russia block countries from participating in a peace conference in Switzerland. Zelenskyy claims Russia is using Chinese influence to disrupt the summit and that some Russian weapons contain Chinese components. China denies the accusations and states it handles military exports responsibly. Zelenskyy seeks Asian support to end the war in Ukraine.