Controversy surrounding the resignations of Miss USA and Miss Teen USA

NPR discusses the recent controversies surrounding the resignations of Miss USA and Miss Teen USA with author Amy Argetsinger.

Resignations of Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Crownholders

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA crownholders Noelia Voigt and UmaSofia Srivastava resign due to personal values and mental health reasons, citing toxic work environment and bullying within the Miss USA Organization. The organization struggles to find a successor for Miss Teen USA, while Miss Hawaii Savannah Gankiewicz is set to be inaugurated as the new Miss USA 2023. The controversy has led to calls for transparency and reform within the organization.

Resignations and Allegations of Bullying in Miss USA Organization

Noelia Voigt, last year’s Miss USA winner, resigned alleging bullying and harassment by Miss USA CEO Laylah Rose. Miss Teen USA winner UmaSofia Srivastava also resigned citing misalignment with organization's values. The resignations have sparked concerns about the future of Miss USA and Miss Teen USA competitions.

Resignations of Miss Teen USA 2023 and Miss USA 2023

Miss Teen USA 2023 UmaSofia Srivastava resigned from her title citing misalignment of personal values with the organization. This comes shortly after Miss USA Noelia Voigt also resigned to focus on her mental health.

Resignations of Miss USA and Miss Teen USA 2023

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA 2023 resign amid mounting scrutiny of the organization, citing personal values and mental health as reasons. Former employees also speak out against mistreatment and workplace toxicity within the organization.