Israeli detention of Palestinians following Hamas attacks

Israel detained thousands of Palestinians from Gaza following Hamas attacks; one radiologist shares his story of mistreatment during seven months in detention.

Lawsuit against Disney by Village People

Lawsuit filed against Disney by wife of Village People star, seeking $20 million for alleged mistreatment and banning of the iconic 70s group from theme parks. Disney counter motion to dismiss rejected by court.

Israeli Troops' Treatment of Wounded Palestinian Man

Video showing Israeli troops driving with a wounded Palestinian man strapped to the hood of a military jeep sparks outrage, prompting accusations of egregious mistreatment and human shielding. Israeli military says incident violated protocol and is under investigation.

Circus Bear Attack on Trainer

A circus bear mauls its trainer during a performance in Russia, shocking spectators. The bear was forced to do tricks for the 'Happiness Show' and attacked its trainer as revenge. The trainer survived without serious injury, but mistreatment of circus animals can lead to dangerous situations.

Alleged mistreatment and denial of medical care for jailed pro-life activists

House Republicans raise concerns about mistreatment and denial of medical care for jailed pro-life activists in Washington, D.C., and Virginia. Activists found guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act during a protest. Allegations of inadequate medical care for serious health conditions and stroke. Request for U.S. Marshals Service and Federal Bureau of Prisons to provide information and ensure appropriate care.