Mitch McConnell's Future Role in the Senate

Mitch McConnell is set to become a regular senator from Kentucky in January, and there is speculation about how he might continue to wield power, with a potential interest in chairing the Appropriations Committee if Republicans win the majority in November.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell endorses former President Trump for 2024

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell endorses former President Trump for 2024, marking their first in-person meeting in nearly four years after a frosty relationship post-election.

President Biden's D-Day Speech and Senator Mitch McConnell's Reflection

President Biden and Senator Mitch McConnell reflect on D-Day and urge support for Ukraine in the face of global tensions. McConnell warns against isolationism and emphasizes the importance of alliances and global responsibilities.

Mitch McConnell's Criticism of Guilty Verdict in Business Records Trial

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell criticized the guilty verdict in a business records trial, predicting it will be overturned on appeal. Critics bashed his short post, while others expressed disappointment in GOP leaders choosing Trump over the rule of law. Some see McConnell's post as a serious sign from the Republican leader.

Sen. Rick Scott's Bid for Senate GOP Leader

Sen. Rick Scott criticized Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for not having a plan to retake the Senate majority in 2022. Scott announced his bid to replace McConnell as Senate Republican leader, blaming McConnell for the party's failure to regain the majority. He also accused McConnell of retaliating against him by removing him from the Commerce Committee and hindering his fundraising efforts in Florida. Scott emphasized his desire for change and highlighted his ties to former President Donald Trump in the leadership race. Many conservatives have praised Scott's bid for Senate GOP leader.

Senate Republican leadership race

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) announces bid to lead Senate Republicans, challenging Sen. John Thune (R-SD) and Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) to replace Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Scott emphasizes the need for change and transparency in Senate leadership.

Resignation of Speaker of the House staffer

A staffer for Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) reportedly resigned after complaints about his behavior. The office did not comment on the complaints. The staffer had previously worked for Sen. Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republican Conference.

Senate Majority Battle in 2024 Elections

Retired Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy, a Republican, discusses the importance of his race against Sen. Jon Tester in Montana. Outside groups aligned with Mitch McConnell report record fundraising to win back the Senate majority in the upcoming elections.

Call to Restrict TikTok in the U.S.

Senate Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell calls for action to restrict TikTok in the U.S., citing concerns about Chinese influence and control.

Republican voters' preference for Donald Trump over Mitch McConnell

Recent poll shows that former President Donald Trump is 43 points more popular among Republicans than Sen. Mitch McConnell. McConnell plans to remain in the U.S. Senate to oppose his party's position on funding the Ukraine-Russia war.

Republican divide on funding Ukraine aid

House Speaker Mike Johnson plans to communicate with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene about concerns regarding Ukraine aid. Republicans are divided on funding a new aid package for Ukraine, with various proposed alternatives being discussed.

Senator Mitch McConnell's stance on Ukraine and his future in the U.S. Senate

Senator Mitch McConnell plans to remain in the U.S. Senate to oppose conservatives supporting a truce between Russia and Ukraine. He criticized those, like Sen. Rand Paul, who oppose financially supporting the war in Ukraine.

Senator Lisa Murkowski's stance on Donald Trump and the GOP

Senator Lisa Murkowski is considering leaving the GOP due to her opposition to Donald Trump and the party's alignment with him. She has expressed strong disapproval of Trump's actions and rhetoric, and is exploring the possibility of becoming an independent.

Term Limits for Senate Leaders

Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell opposes the idea of term limits for Senate leaders, arguing that elections serve as term limits. His stance contradicts that of some fellow Republicans, such as Sen. John Cornyn, who supports term limits.

Criticism of Mitch McConnell as 'Fentanyl Mitch'

A truck billboard in Louisville, Kentucky, referred to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell as 'Fentanyl Mitch' and criticized his ties to China's fentanyl crisis. The billboard was an ad for Peter Schweizer's book 'Blood Money,' which highlights McConnell's financial connections to China through his wife's family business.

Sen. Mitch McConnell endorses Donald Trump for 2024 reelection

Sen. Mitch McConnell endorses former President Donald Trump for reelection in 2024, signaling unity against President Joe Biden. McConnell praises Trump's achievements during his term and expresses support for his nomination as the Republican candidate for President.

Senate Republican Leadership Race

Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) will run for Senate Republican whip, one step up from his current position as conference chair. He decided against challenging Sen. Mitch McConnell for the top spot. Sen. John Thune (R-SD) is running for Leader, along with Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX). Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is seeking Barrasso's current seat as conference chair. McConnell will not step down until after the elections, when a new Leader will be chosen by secret ballot.

Political News

Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy discusses Senator Mitch McConnell stepping down as Republican Leader, Trump and Biden's border visits, latest on Hunter Biden investigation & the need to fund Ukraine. Kentucky House votes to remove governor's role in selecting a U.S. Senate seat replacement. McConnell hints at potential reelection in 2026. Governor denounces bill as driven by partisanship.

Senate Minority Leader Succession Race

The race to replace Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is underway, with several GOP senators considering runs. The process is expected to be arduous due to divisions within the party.

Senate Leadership and Independence from Trump

Senator Mike Rounds believes the next Senate leader should be independent from former President Donald Trump, like Mitch McConnell was. Rounds supports John Thune as the right candidate for the role.

Mitch McConnell stepping down as Republican leader in the Senate

Mitch McConnell will step down as Republican leader in the Senate, sparking discussions about his career. NPR's Ari Shapiro speaks with journalist and biographer Michael Tackett about McConnell's legacy.

Mitch McConnell's Leadership in Kentucky

Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell is a long-standing leader in Kentucky and has been the Senate leader for his party since 2007, with state political leaders acknowledging his positive impact on Kentucky.

Mitch McConnell stepping down as GOP Senate leader

Mitch McConnell announces he will step aside from GOP Senate leadership in November, after facing challenges to his power and influence within the Republican Party. A crowded field of potential McConnell successors emerges in the Senate.

Mitch McConnell's Legacy and Impact on the Judiciary

Mitch McConnell's legacy is defined by his work to push the judiciary to the right, reshaping the courts in favor of conservatives for the next generation.

Senate GOP Leader Succession

Fox News reports on the potential successors to Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell and the factors that will influence the decision.

Senate Leadership Transition

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is stepping down, opening up an opportunity for a new leader. Sen. Ron Johnson emphasizes the importance of a collaborative process in choosing a new leader and developing a mission statement for the party.

Retirement of Mitch McConnell and concerns about Joe Biden's age

President Joe Biden expresses sadness over Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stepping down from leadership and retiring. McConnell cites age as reason for retirement. Public polling shows concerns about Biden's age and mental acuity. Both McConnell and Biden are subjects of Peter Schweizer's bestselling book 'Blood Money.'

Senate Leadership Succession

Mitch McConnell announces he will step aside from GOP Senate leadership in November. Texas Senator John Cornyn enters the race to succeed him. Cornyn is one of the potential successors along with John Thune and John Barrasso. Cornyn highlights his track record of winning elections and building consensus in his pitch for leadership.

Mitch McConnell and China's Role in the Fentanyl Crisis

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has been criticized for not prioritizing the issue of China's role in supplying deadly fentanyl to the United States, as detailed in Peter Schweizer's book 'Blood Money.' McConnell's family has financial ties with the Chinese government through his wife's father-in-law, potentially affecting his stance on China's actions.

Mitch McConnell stepping down as Senate Minority Leader

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell announced his decision to step down, a move that was both shocking and unsurprising due to the changing dynamics within the Republican Party and the rise of former President Trump's influence.

Senate GOP Leader Succession Battle

Mitch McConnell's exit as Senate GOP leader has sparked a succession battle among potential successors, including John Thune, John Cornyn, and John Barrasso. The race to replace McConnell is heating up among GOP senators, with other potential candidates like Rick Scott and Steve Daines also being considered.

Mitch McConnell's Plan to Step Down as Republican Leader

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell announced his plan to step down as Republican leader in November, sparking mixed reactions across the political spectrum. Some conservatives are calling for his resignation sooner, citing health concerns and the need for new leadership.

Mitch McConnell stepping down from leadership

Longtime Republican leader Sen. Mitch McConnell announced he will step away from leadership in November, creating a leadership election in the GOP conference after the November election. McConnell's decision comes amid discontent with his handling of various bills and his relationship with former President Trump.

Mitch McConnell stepping down as Senate leader

Mitch McConnell, the longest-serving Senate leader in history, announced he will step down from his position in November, marking the end of a powerful era in the Republican Party.

Sen. Mitch McConnell stepping down as Republican leader in the Senate

Sen. Mitch McConnell announces he is stepping down from his role as Republican leader in the Senate, citing the need for a new generation of leadership. His decision comes amid growing discontent within the GOP over his handling of bipartisan bills and his relationship with former President Donald Trump.

Mitch McConnell stepping down from Senate leadership position

Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader, announced his decision to step down from his leadership position at the end of this Congress in early January 2025 due to age and health concerns.

Mitch McConnell stepping down as Republican leader

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will step down as Republican leader in November after announcing his plans in an emotional speech on the Senate floor. McConnell, 82, faced health concerns and increasing rejection from the base of the Republican Party. He aims to serve out the rest of his Senate term until 2027, influencing the selection of the next leader of his party.

Mitch McConnell Stepping Down as Senate Republican Leader

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is stepping down as Senate Republican Leader in November, marking the end of his tenure as the longest-serving Senate leader in history. McConnell, 82, plans to serve out his term until January 2027 from a different seat in the chamber.

Potential Government Shutdown Warning by Senate Republicans

Senate Republicans are warning their House GOP counterparts against a potential government shutdown, emphasizing that it would be a political mistake. The failure to agree on legislation to fund various government departments could lead to disruptions if a resolution is not reached by the deadline.