Terrorist Plot in France

A 62-year-old Egyptian man with alleged ISIS ties was arrested in France for planning a terrorist attack on the Notre Dame Cathedral. The terror threat level in France has been raised to its highest after an ISIS-claimed attack in Moscow.

Kremlin blames Ukraine and the West for Moscow attack

The Kremlin is blaming Ukraine and the West for the Moscow attack, despite lack of evidence. Russian officials have made accusations against Ukraine and the U.S. and U.K. without concrete proof.

Israeli Prime Minister cancels delegation to Washington after U.S. fails to veto U.N. resolution on Gaza cease-fire

Israeli Prime Minister cancels delegation to Washington after U.S. fails to veto U.N. resolution on Gaza cease-fire, growing tensions over potential invasion of Rafah and concerns over ISIS following Moscow attack.

France Raises Terror Threat Level After ISIS Attack in Moscow

The government of France raised its terror threat warning to the highest level following a suspected ISIS attack in Moscow that left at least 137 dead. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, leading to heightened security measures in France.