Ameen Mokdad's Musical Journey in Mosul, Iraq

Ameen Mokdad, inspired by his father's failed painting of a composer, became a composer himself in Mosul, Iraq. Despite ISIS banning music, he continued to play in secret and composed an album. After losing his instruments to ISIS, he invented a new instrument named 'Adad,' symbolizing defiance. He now travels the world performing music and was accepted to Wesleyan University's music department.

Story of Amin Mekdad, the Musician from Mosul, Iraq

أمين مقداد، شاب عراقي، اخترع آلة موسيقية جديدة بعد تدمير آلاته من قبل تنظيم داعش. أطلق عليها اسم 'أدد' تيمنًا ببوابة تاريخية دمرها التنظيم. بعد تحرير الموصل، سافر مقداد وأنتج موسيقى جديدة وحصل على منحة دراسية لدراسة الموسيقى.