Monkeypox Outbreak in Congo

Congo is facing its biggest monkeypox outbreak with a new form of the disease detected in a mining town. The disease is mutating, making it harder to diagnose but with a lower death rate. Experts are concerned about the virus adapting to spread more efficiently among humans.

Longest Covid Infection Duration in an Immunocompromised Patient

An elderly man in Amsterdam, who was immunocompromised, had a Covid infection for 613 days, during which the virus mutated around 50 times. This case highlights the potential dangers of prolonged infections in vulnerable patients.

Alzheimer's Disease Transmission through Transplants

A study suggests that Alzheimer's disease could spread to patients who receive transplants containing potentially toxic genes. Researchers found that mice who received bone marrow transplants with faulty genes developed Alzheimer's quicker. More research is needed to see if the effect is the same in humans. The study highlights the need for screening donors to prevent the spread of the disease.