Myanmar Protests for Aung San Suu Kyi's Birthday

Supporters of Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi carry out flower-themed protests on her 79th birthday, defying the military government's repression. Suu Kyi remains imprisoned after the military seized power in 2021.

Conflict in Rakhine State, Myanmar

A spokesperson for Myanmar's military government denies accusations of a massacre in a village in Rakhine state, where there is ongoing conflict between pro-democracy guerrillas and the military rulers. The Arakan Army, an ethnic armed organization, accused the army of killing 76 people. The competing claims could not be verified independently due to tight restrictions on travel in the region.

Myanmar Civil War and Global Impact

Myanmar's military is battling to hold on to power as a civil war rages on, with rising cybercrime and drug trafficking affecting the region and beyond. The conflict began after the military ousted Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi in 2021, leading to a people's revolution and a humanitarian crisis in the country.

Online Scam Victims Trafficked in Southeast Asia

Thousands of people have been trafficked into Southeast Asian compounds and forced to scam others online. One victim, Xu Bochun, was kidnapped and forced to work in a scam compound in Myanmar before being rescued by his family. The online scam industry has stolen an estimated $75 billion worldwide.

Aung San Suu Kyi's house arrest in Myanmar

Myanmar's detained former leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been moved from prison to house arrest due to extreme heat conditions. She faces multiple charges and has been detained since the military coup in 2021.

Attack on St. Patrick Catholic Church in Myanmar

Two masked gunmen attacked a Catholic church in Myanmar, targeting the parish priest, Father Paul Hkwi Shane Aung, who survived the attack despite being hit three times. The incident is believed to be linked to the ongoing conflict between the ruling military junta and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA).

Myanmar military faces defeats as resistance gains control of key border town

Myanmar's military faces defeats as anti-junta resistance groups gain control of key border town, Myawaddy. The military has suffered losses in various frontier areas since the 2021 coup. The resistance forces, including the Karen National Union, are making significant advances.

Drone Attacks on Military Targets in Myanmar

Opponents of army rule in Myanmar carried out drone attacks on two military targets in Naypyitaw, potentially damaging the credibility of the military junta.

Rescue of Rohingya Refugees in Indonesia

An Indonesian search and rescue ship located a capsized wooden boat carrying dozens of Rohingya Muslim refugees, with survivors being rescued and taken to safety. The refugees were fleeing from Myanmar's brutal counterinsurgency campaign.