Joe Biden's speech in Normandy comparing threats from Nazi Germany to current world issues

President Joe Biden compares threats posed by Nazi Germany to those facing the world today by dictators and authoritarianism, urging Americans to resist isolationism during his speech in Normandy.

President Joe Biden's Address on the 80th Anniversary of D-Day

President Joe Biden commemorates the 80th anniversary of D-Day by saluting World War II veterans who helped liberate Europe from Nazi Germany.

80th Anniversary of D-Day Landings in Normandy

Veterans and world leaders gathered in Normandy to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, with a lone piper re-enacting the moment British troops landed in France.

Brazil's President Lula da Silva vs. Israel

Brazil's President Lula da Silva withdrew the ambassador to Israel amid tense relations, accusing Israel of 'genocide' and comparing actions to Nazi Germany. Israel declared him persona non grata for not apologizing. Brazil downgraded diplomatic relations with Israel.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's Accusation Against the West

Russian President Vladimir Putin accuses the West of risking a global conflict during Russia's celebration of the Soviet Union's victory over Nazi Germany.

Comparison of President Joe Biden's Administration to Nazi Germany by Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump compared President Joe Biden's administration to the secret police force of Nazi Germany at a private donor retreat, made disparaging remarks about Biden, and praised potential vice presidential candidates. He also offered individuals who donated $1 million to come up on stage with him.

Harvard, Maria Ressa, and Anti-Israel Views

Harvard's commencement speaker, Maria Ressa, compared Israel to Nazi Germany and accused the country of targeting news reporters. Her editorial has sparked concerns about anti-Israel views at Harvard.

FBI's Targeting of Catholics

Bishop Joseph Strickland criticizes the FBI's investigation into traditional Catholic churches, comparing it to Nazi Germany or communist Russia. He believes the FBI is targeting Catholics who believe deeply in the message of Jesus Christ. Strickland emphasizes the importance of standing for truth despite opposition.