Actor Jonathan Tucker's Heroic Act

Actor Jonathan Tucker helped rescue his neighbors from a home intruder in his Los Angeles neighborhood.

Elderly 'Serial Slingshot Shooter' Dies After Tormenting Neighbors in California

An 81-year-old man, known as the 'serial slingshot shooter,' died shortly after being released from jail for tormenting his neighbors in California. Residents complained of being victimized for a decade by the elderly man's actions.

Serial Slingshot Shooter Arrested in Los Angeles

An 81-year-old man was arrested near Los Angeles after being accused of being a 'serial slingshot shooter' for nearly a decade, victimizing dozens of residents by breaking windows and windshields with ball bearings.

Homeowner Evicts Squatters in Michigan

A homeowner in Michigan successfully evicts squatters next door after years of illegal activity, causing chaos and fear in the neighborhood.

Squatting couple evicted from New York home

A couple in New York attempted to squat in a home, falsely claiming a lease with a deceased owner. After causing chaos in the neighborhood, they were finally evicted by local sheriffs.

Squatters in LeBron James' Neighborhood

LeBron James is reportedly 'very concerned' about squatters in his southern California neighborhood who have taken over a $4.3 million home. The squatters have been throwing raucous parties, claiming to be tenants, and causing disruptions in the area.

Controversy over Billionaire's Wife Buying Homes in Minnesota Neighborhood

Kathy Cargill, the wife of a billionaire in America’s fourth-wealthiest family, faced backlash from a community in Minnesota for buying up homes in their neighborhood. She received mixed reactions from locals and canceled her plans to improve the neighborhood.