Norwegian Cruise Line medical emergency incident

An 80-year-old woman was forced to disembark from a Norwegian Cruise Line ship due to a medical emergency and left on an African island. Fellow passengers, including a South Carolina couple, helped care for her until she could be flown back to the U.S. The cruise line did not call her emergency contacts or provide answers to her family. The woman, a seasoned traveler, is now safe and in a hospital in California.

Stranded Cruise Passengers on African Island

Six American cruise passengers, including a pregnant woman, and two Australians were stranded on an African island during a vacation getaway after Norwegian Cruise Line allegedly left them without their belongings and refused to let them board.

Norwegian Cruise Line ship blocked in Mauritius due to stomach illness outbreak

Mauritius officials blocked a Norwegian Cruise Line ship from docking due to more than a dozen passengers being sick with a stomach illness. The ship is expected to dock on Tuesday after testing results are available.