Anti-Israel Protests at University of Pennsylvania

Anti-Israel protests continue on college campuses, spreading to University of Pennsylvania. Protesters attempted to occupy a campus building but were escorted out by police. The protests come after an encampment was dismantled the week prior.

Exclusive Interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kharkiv

ABC News spoke exclusively with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy in Kharkiv, where he canceled a trip to Spain due to the serious situation. Zelenskyy visited injured soldiers in a hospital, emphasizing the need for international aid to prevent Russian occupation.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The conflict between Israel and Hamas shows no sign of ending, with experts predicting an open-ended Israeli military presence in Gaza due to the failure to achieve clear political objectives and plan for the post-war period.

Columbia University anti-Israel Protests

Columbia University's President addresses the ongoing anti-Israel protests on campus, emphasizing the need for civil discourse and empathy amidst tensions. Protesters occupied a campus building, leading to police intervention and calls for the President's resignation.

Pro-Palestinian Protest at Portland State University Library

Pro-Palestinian protesters have occupied Portland State University's library, turning it into a makeshift fortress. They demand the university cut ties with Boeing, which supplies weapons to Israel, and call for an unconditional cease-fire in Gaza. The university initially took a hands-off approach but later condemned the property damage caused by the protesters.

Pro-Palestinian Student Occupation at Columbia University

Pro-Palestinian student groups occupy Columbia University's Hamilton Hall, demanding divestment from companies profiting from Israel's war in Gaza, leading to clashes with university administration and police.

Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Territories

Israeli military veterans speak out against their country's occupation of Palestinian territories and call for it to end.

Reporting on Palestinian Experiences in Gaza

NPR's Leila Fadel reports on the experiences of Palestinians in Gaza amid Israeli military action, sharing stories of survival and resilience. The Israeli government restricts international journalists from entering Gaza, but Leila finds ways to share voices from the region. She highlights the human toll of conflict and occupation, emphasizing the generations of pain endured by Palestinians.

Shooting Rampage by Drunk Russian Soldiers in Crimea

Drunk Russian soldiers go on a shooting rampage in a local cafe in Crimea, terrorizing locals and causing multiple injuries but no fatalities. The soldiers were celebrating Russia's Defender of the Fatherland Day and called for reinforcements from a pro-Putin private military company.