Innovative Awake Kidney Transplant Procedure

A man in Chicago received a kidney transplant while awake and went home the next day, marking it as an outpatient procedure. This innovative 'awake transplant' could reduce risks and increase access to care for patients.

Ransomware Attack on Ascension Healthcare System

A ransomware attack on Ascension health care system led to alarming lapses in patient care, highlighting the threat of cyberattacks in healthcare. Nurses almost gave wrong medication doses due to computer shutdown. Cybersecurity experts warn of healthcare sector vulnerability to ransomware attacks.

Impact of Cyberattack on Ascension Hospitals

A cyberattack on Ascension hospitals led to medication errors, delayed lab results, and compromised patient care. Nurses and doctors had to resort to using handwritten notes and makeshift systems. The incident highlights the need for improved health care cybersecurity standards.

Cybersecurity Breach at Ascension Seton Medical Center

Ascension Seton Medical Center in Austin is among hospitals affected by a nationwide cybersecurity breach, forcing staff to resort to manual processes due to the ransomware attack. Patient care delivery has been impacted, with delays in medications, lab results, and access to medical records. Ascension is working with cybersecurity experts to investigate and restore affected systems.

Integration of AI in Healthcare

Nurses express concerns about the rushed integration of AI in healthcare, fearing it may prioritize cost-cutting over patient care. While some see AI as a tool to improve outcomes, others argue it lacks empathy and human touch essential in healthcare. Despite potential benefits like saving lives, critics warn of reduced quality of service and increased workload for employees.

Scott Hamilton's Career and Cancer Research Advocacy

Former American figure skater Scott Hamilton dedicated his early life to the sport, achieving a remarkable winning streak in the early 1980s. He later shifted his focus to funding cancer research after personal battles with the disease. Hamilton's foundation, Scott Hamilton CARES, emphasizes patient care in cancer treatment.