Dispute in the South China Sea

Philippine military chief demands China return seized rifles and equipment in disputed shoal in the South China Sea, likening the assault to piracy. Chinese coast guard personnel rammed and boarded Philippine navy boats, seizing rifles and causing damage.

Chinese Harassment of Philippine Coast Guard

Chinese vessels harassed and blocked Philippine coast guard during a medical evacuation in the South China Sea, leading to accusations of barbaric and inhumane behavior by the Philippines.

Philippine Mayor Accused of Being Chinese Asset Amid South China Sea Dispute

The article reports on a Philippine mayor facing accusations of being a Chinese asset amid a territorial dispute with China. The mayor's involvement in a scam center and questionable background raise concerns about her allegiances.

South China Sea Collision

A collision between Philippine and Chinese Coast Guard vessels in the South China Sea raises fears of escalation in the disputed area claimed by China.

Chinese-Philippine Coast Guard Collision in South China Sea

Chinese and Philippine coast guard vessels collided in the disputed South China Sea, resulting in injuries to Filipino crew members. The incident occurred as Southeast Asian leaders gathered for a summit addressing Beijing's aggression at sea.