World War II veteran's passion for photography

A 103-year-old World War II veteran in South Carolina continues to pursue his passion for photography, having served in nine different countries during the war and opening his own photography business after being honorably discharged.

Friendship and Tragedy in New Mexico

The article tells the story of the deep friendship between the author, Andrés Mario de Varona, and a Native American man named Aaron Garcia, who lived in New Mexico. The author captures their bond through photography and shared experiences, but tragedy strikes when Aaron is found dead under an overpass. The author struggles to find closure and justice for his friend's death.

International Criminal Court and Israeli Officials, Pro-Palestinian Protests, Tornadoes in the South and Midwest, Pregnancy Accommodations, Abortion Rights Lawsuit, Nour El Massry's Photography

The International Criminal Court in the Hague is preparing to issue arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on charges related to the war against Hamas in Gaza. Pro-Palestinian protests continue on U.S. college campuses. Tornadoes have caused deaths and injuries in the South and Midwest. Employers must make accommodations for pregnant women and new moms. 17 states are suing the EEOC over abortion rights. Photographer Nour El Massry captures the beauty of Egypt in his photos.

Solar Eclipse Photography Tips

Americans are preparing to travel for the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8, with tips on how to photograph the event safely and effectively.

Photographing the Solar Eclipse

Tips for photographing the upcoming solar eclipse, including getting in the right position, using smartphone apps, digital SLR cameras, and solar filters to protect your equipment and eyes.

How to Take Photos of the Solar Eclipse with a Cellphone Camera

Tips on how to take good photos of the solar eclipse with a cellphone camera, including using eclipse glasses, a tripod, and adjusting camera settings. It is recommended to enjoy the experience of the eclipse rather than focusing solely on photography.

The Anthropocene Project: Documenting Human Impact on Earth

The Anthropocene Project captures the impact of human activity on Earth through photography and film, showcasing environmental degradation in various locations around the world. Despite the debate on whether the Anthropocene era should be officially recognized, the evidence of human influence on the planet is evident in the geological record.

Yosemite's Firefall Phenomenon

Photographers and visitors gather at Yosemite National Park in California to witness the spectacular 'firefall' phenomenon where Horsetail Fall glows gold and yellow like lava at sunset. Despite challenges, photographers and artists persist in capturing this magical event.

Horsetail Fall 'Fire Fall' Phenomenon at Yosemite National Park

Each year, Horsetail Fall at Yosemite National Park glows gold just before sunset, known as the 'Fire Fall'. Photographer Evan Russel captured the elusive phenomenon on day two after facing disappointment on the first day due to cloudy conditions.