President Biden's Executive Actions on Immigration

President Biden's latest executive actions on immigration focus on securing the southern border and providing support to immigrant families already in the country, reflecting recent political shifts.

Immigration and Border Security

Illegal aliens are rushing to cross the southern border into the U.S. out of fear that if former President Donald Trump is reelected, it will become more difficult. Two brothers from Colombia claimed asylum after crossing the border illegally and explained they escaped threats from criminals in their home country.

Increase in NYPD officers injured by suspects in New York City

The number of New York City police officers injured by suspects has been increasing, with 5,363 officers hurt in 2023. The most dangerous precincts were identified, and experts attribute the rise in attacks to protests, illegal migrants, anti-cop rhetoric, and soft-on-crime policies. Curfews have been imposed to address migrant violence, and some officers have left the NYPD due to concerns about safety and changing laws.