Reflections on Trump's Conviction

The author reflects on Trump's conviction, expressing mixed feelings about the outcome and criticizing the reactions of Trump supporters. He discusses the implications of the verdict and highlights the complexities of the legal process and public opinion.

Political Implications of Former President Trump's Criminal Convictions

President Biden refrains from commenting on former President Trump's criminal convictions to avoid feeding into false narratives or appearing biased as his political opponent. Biden's silence is seen as a strategic move to navigate a delicate political situation.

Supreme Court Victory for NRA Against New York Officials

The National Rifle Association (NRA) won a major victory at the Supreme Court against New York and anti-gun politicians, with implications for former President Trump. The Court ruled unanimously that the NRA's First Amendment rights were violated by attempts to shut it down by New York officials.

Federal Reserve Rate Cut Forecasts

Wall Street is retreating from expectations of a rate cut by the Federal Reserve, with forecasts shifting to later in the year and some firms even predicting no cuts at all. Concerns about the timing of cuts related to the election and the economy are being raised.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's Death and Funeral

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and others were killed in a helicopter crash, leading to a funeral where mourners chanted 'Death to America.' Political implications arose across the region following the fatal crash.