Iran's Elections and Presidency

NPR's Leila Fadel discusses Iran's elections and the presidency overshadowed by the country's Supreme Leader with Sina Toossi of the Center for International Policy.

European Parliamentary elections and dissolution of French parliament

Right-wing parties made big gains in European Parliamentary elections. President of France dissolved the country's parliament and called elections for the summer. Stunned French voters react.

Political Party Defection in UK Parliament

Conservative MP Natalie Elphicke has defected to the opposition Labour Party, citing dissatisfaction with the Conservative Party's stance on key issues like taxes, mass migration, and housing policy.

Impact of America First Immigration Policies on Joe Biden's Political Career

A liberal political scientist warns that Donald Trump's America First immigration policies could harm Joe Biden's political career in 2024 by undermining his popular healthcare policies. Trump's dominance in swing states and Biden's low polling are cited as factors. The article suggests that Biden's inaction on securing the border could lead to a political comeback for Trump.

The downfall of Kristi Noem and the current U.S. political landscape

The article discusses the downfall of Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota, after admitting to killing her family dog in a hunting incident. It also delves into the current political landscape in the U.S., particularly focusing on Donald Trump's control over his campaign and treatment of fellow Republican politicians.

Portugal General Election Results

Portugal faces political uncertainty as Social Democrats and Socialists compete closely in general election, with a surge in support for third-placed populist party Chega, potentially leading to a period of political instability and a significant shift in the country's political landscape.

Political Polls: Biden vs. Trump

Democrats are worried as President Biden is trailing behind former President Trump in polls of several critical states, raising concerns about his message resonating with swing voters. The Supreme Court's recent decisions in favor of Trump have further added to Democrats' anxieties.

Global Elections and Political Landscape

YouTube in India emerges as a major platform for government critics amidst media crackdowns. South Africa's ANC faces challenges in upcoming elections. US Super Tuesday outcome expected to confirm Biden vs. Trump rematch. New political factions in South Korea could impact legislative elections. Russia's 'election' seen as propaganda exercise. Botswana voters may reject long-incumbent BDP. Panama's former president barred from seeking another term. Philippines fears constitutional changes by President Marcos Jr. Italy's PM faces challenges after election losses. Japan's ruling party faces disapproval despite stability.

Muslim Voters and the 2024 Election

Wa'el Alzayat, CEO of Emgage, discusses how Muslim voters are feeling ahead of the 2024 election with NPR's Scott Simon.