
Haiti's newly selected prime minister, Garry Conille, was hospitalized in Port-au-Prince after feeling unwell following a week of intense activities. It is unclear why he was hospitalized.

Violence in Port-au-Prince

Armed gangs in Port-au-Prince killed a young American couple working as missionaries and a Haitian colleague. The gangs control most of the capital, with around 2,500 people killed or injured in gang violence in the first three months of the year.

Haiti's Capital Engulfed in Gang Violence

Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, is engulfed in a horrific gang war, with over 2,500 people killed. Bodies are left on the streets to decay, some being eaten by animals. Gang leader 'Barbecue' is ordering widespread destruction. A US politician's daughter and son-in-law were killed by gangs while working as missionaries. The violence has led to a state of emergency and widespread chaos in the city.

Cap-Haïtien's Emergence as De Facto Capital of Haiti

The city of Cap-Haïtien in Haiti is becoming a de facto capital due to increasing gang violence in Port-au-Prince. The city is experiencing an influx of people fleeing violence, leading to challenges in resources and infrastructure. Despite facing issues like poverty and garbage, the city is prized for its peace and safety compared to other areas.

Mass Migration from Haiti's Capital Due to Gang Violence

More than 53,000 people have fled Haiti's capital in less than three weeks to escape gang violence. The majority are heading to Haiti's rural southern region, raising concerns about the lack of infrastructure and resources to accommodate them.

Violence and Anarchy in Haiti's Capital

Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, is engulfed in violence and anarchy as heavily armed gangs wage war on the city. Residents are fleeing the terror, leaving behind a disintegrated state and a humanitarian crisis. Foreign military assistance has been requested but delayed, leaving the population in desperate need of help.

Haitian Police Operation in Port-au-Prince

Haitian police are conducting major operations to regain control of the capital's main port and stronghold of gang leader Jimmy 'Barbeque' Cherizier after killing several 'bandits'. The violence comes in the aftermath of Prime Minister Ariel Henry's resignation.

Gang Violence in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince is facing chaos as violent gangs led by former police officer Jimmy Cherizier are causing havoc, leading to a city under siege. Experts warn that the situation is more dangerous than seen in years.

Haiti's Political Unrest and Violence

Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, was largely shut down following a prison break that freed thousands of inmates. Gang violence and political instability have paralyzed the city, leading to a state of emergency and a nighttime curfew. Authorities are struggling to regain control amidst ongoing chaos and insecurity.