Brazil's President Lula da Silva vs. Israel

Brazil's President Lula da Silva withdrew the ambassador to Israel amid tense relations, accusing Israel of 'genocide' and comparing actions to Nazi Germany. Israel declared him persona non grata for not apologizing. Brazil downgraded diplomatic relations with Israel.

Creation of Indigenous Territories in Brazil

President Lula da Silva announced the creation of two new Indigenous territories in Brazil, bringing the total to 10 during his term. The new territories cover almost 132 square miles. Lula aims to fulfill his pledge of creating 14 new territories despite legal obstacles and opposition from farmers.

Legal Troubles of Jair Renan Bolsonaro and Family in Brazil

Prosecutors in Brazil are pursuing charges of money laundering and fraud against Jair Renan Bolsonaro, the youngest son of former President Jair Bolsonaro. The younger Bolsonaro is accused of artificially inflating his company's revenue, securing fraudulent bank loans, and fabricating business transactions with non-existent entities.