China's Chang'e-6 Lunar Probe Landing on Far Side of the Moon

China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe successfully landed on the far side of the Moon to collect samples, marking the first time samples will be collected from this area. The mission is part of China's ambitious space program under President Xi Jinping.

China's AI Chatbot 'Chat Xi PT'

China has developed an AI chatbot named 'Chat Xi PT' trained on President Xi Jinping's thoughts and beliefs. It cannot be used by citizens and competes with US rivals. The AI follows strict rules to embody socialist values and avoid content that subverts state power.

China's AI Chatbot 'Chat Xi PT' Based on President Xi Jinping

China has developed an AI chatbot named 'Chat Xi PT' based on President Xi Jinping's thoughts and beliefs. The chatbot is trained on government regulations and state media reports, with strict rules to align with core socialist values. It can generate text, images, videos, and translate between Chinese and English, but is restricted from English language-based data sets to avoid Western influences.