Arizona Voting Requirements

The Republican National Committee and Arizona legislators are fighting to enforce proof-of-citizenship voting requirements in Arizona, aiming to secure the 2024 election and ensure American voices are heard in the electoral process.

House GOP Leaders Plan to Enhance Protections Against Noncitizens Voting

House GOP leaders plan to take up a bill enhancing protections against noncitizens voting in July. The bill, known as the SAVE Act, aims to require proof of citizenship for voter registration in federal elections.

Election Security Bill Requiring Proof of Citizenship

Discussion on a key election security bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections and purging noncitizens from voter rolls. The bill is supported by former President Trump and Speaker Mike Johnson.

Joint Press Conference on Election Integrity and Border Security

Former President Donald Trump and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson appeared together for a joint press conference in Palm Beach, Florida, to promote an election integrity bill. They emphasized the need for border security and proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections.