Allegations against Buenos Aires Yoga School (BAYS)

Juan Percowicz, an accountant turned self-help guru, founded Buenos Aires Yoga School (BAYS) which is now accused of operating as a sex cult, exploiting members, and engaging in illegal activities. After years of accusations and investigations, new laws and evidence have led to a renewed case against Percowicz and BAYS.

Illegal vendors in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's district

Illegal vendors operating in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's district had their goods confiscated by the NYPD in a recent raid. The area is reported to have unsanitary conditions, rampant prostitution, and illegal peddling of goods.

California Bill on Street Loitering for Prostitution

California progressives are opposing a new bill that would recriminalize street loitering for prostitution, while law enforcement agencies support it to combat human trafficking and prostitution. The bill aims to protect victims of human trafficking and punish those involved in soliciting prostitutes for sex.

Challenges in AOC's Queens District

Ramses Frias, an NY Assembly candidate, discussed his decision to run for office and criticized AOC's response to illegal activity in her district. The area is facing issues with crime, prostitution, and illegal street vending, leading to unsavory conditions.

Illegal Street Vendors and Prostitution in Queens, New York

Locals in a Queens neighborhood in New York liken it to a 'third world' country due to illegal vendors selling goods and open prostitution. Crime is increasing, with residents feeling overrun by illicit street vendors and sex workers openly soliciting customers.

Human Trafficking Sting in Florida

228 people were arrested in a human trafficking sting in Florida, with 21 suspected of being illegal aliens. The operation involved prostitution-related illegal activities. Several police departments and organizations assisted in the investigation, resulting in 13 possible human trafficking victims being identified. The suspects faced a total of 70 felonies and 288 misdemeanors, with some having extensive criminal histories. The sheriff emphasized the impact of federal policies on illegal immigrant crime.

Prostitution Turf War in Bangkok

A brawl broke out in Bangkok's Red Light District between Filipino and Thai prostitutes over a turf war, involving police. The chaotic scene was captured on video.

Children Crossing Southern Border

Dr. Phil shared alarming information on 'The View' about children crossing the southern border being sent into prostitution and sweatshops, using American tax dollars.