Journalism Ethics

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists at The Washington Post are calling for leadership change due to questions about the integrity of its new publisher, Will Lewis.

The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen adaptation into HBO and MAX series

Nguyen's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel adapted into HBO and MAX series, based on his family's flight from South Vietnam in 1975. Originally broadcast in 2016.

Podcast 'You Didn't See Nothin' and Pulitzer Prize Win

The podcast 'You Didn't See Nothin' wins a Pulitzer Prize in Audio Reporting for revisiting a 1997 hate crime involving a 13-year-old Black boy named Lenard Clark who was brutally beaten by white teenagers in Chicago's Bridgeport neighborhood. Reporter Yohance Lacour explores the case and its impact on the community and individuals involved.

NPR's RussiaGate Reporting and Influence of Rep. Adam Schiff

NPR's business editor admitted that their reporting on Russia collusion was a bust and was heavily influenced by Rep. Adam Schiff, leading to a lack of transparency and accountability. Other news outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post also received Pulitzer Prizes for their coverage of the phony Russia collusion narrative.