Nigel Farage's views on Marine Le Pen and the Bank of England

Nigel Farage criticizes Marine Le Pen's Rassemblement National (RN), warning of economic disaster if they win in France. Bank of England also expresses concerns about RN's policy proposals. Farage praises Giorgia Meloni and accuses Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of being 'slippery'.

French Parliamentary Elections Protests

Protests erupt in France following the first round of parliamentary elections, with Marine Le Pen's Rassemblement National leading in the polls. The New Popular Front and Macron's faction trail behind. Potential for a right-wing coalition. Macron's future in question as he faces defeat.

French National Elections and Gold Price Surge

Far-right party 'Rassemblement National' led by Marine Le Pen could take power in upcoming French national elections, marking a significant political shift. Gold prices surged in spring due to increased demand from China.

French Politics and Elections

The leader of France's right-wing Les Républicains party, Eric Ciotti, backed an alliance with Marine Le Pen's far-right Rassemblement National party for snap parliamentary elections, causing division within his own party. Ciotti faced calls for resignation but refused, stating LR is too weak to oppose Macron's coalition and the left. Macron called for snap polls after the far right's success in the European Parliament elections.

Far-right parties in Europe gaining momentum in European Parliament elections

Far-right parties in Europe are gaining momentum in the European Parliament elections, with a shift towards transforming the EU from within instead of leaving it. The Rassemblement National in France, led by Marine Le Pen, is seeing increased support due to concerns about immigration and security.