Preventing Illegal Immigrants from Voting in Elections

Rep. Chip Roy discusses efforts to prevent illegal immigrants from voting on the Breitbart News Daily Podcast hosted by Mike Slater.

Rep. Chip Roy's Remarks on Sharia Law and Border Security

Rep. Chip Roy expressed concerns about Sharia law being 'forced upon the American people' and criticized pro-Palestinian sentiments in the UK and the US, particularly in relation to Israel. He also called for stricter measures against antisemitism and foreign-born population in the US.

Impact of Rep. Chip Roy's LIABLE Act on COVID-19 vaccine makers and recipients

Rep. Chip Roy is unveiling a new bill that would allow Americans to sue COVID-19 vaccine makers over adverse health effects allegedly caused by the shot. The Let Injured Americans Be Legally Empowered (LIABLE) Act aims to wipe away COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers' statutory protections, opening them up to civil lawsuits.

Political Commentary on Biden Administration

Rep. Chip Roy criticizes Biden administration and urges Republican colleagues to challenge President Biden to set the stage for Trump's win in the fall. Host Neil Cavuto is skeptical of Republicans' leadership and their ability to agree on anything.