US-Israel Relations and Gaza Conflict

Rep. Ilhan Omar celebrated President Joe Biden's decision to withhold artillery and other weapons from Israel if they invaded Hamas's last stronghold, Rafah. Omar highlighted the impact of young people's protests in influencing this decision.

Antisemitism Legislation and Campus Safety

Reps. Torres and Lawler discuss the importance of passing antisemitism legislation as Jewish students fear for their safety amidst anti-Israel protests on college campuses. Rep. Ilhan Omar's comments have sparked intense backlash.

Pro-Palestinian student protests at Columbia University

Pro-Palestinian student protesters at Columbia University continued their demonstrations despite mass suspensions and arrests, protesting in support of Gaza. The protests were peaceful, with students arrested and released after waiting for hours. The university stated the encampment was unauthorized and has rules for protests, while a growing number of demonstrators joined the protest. Isra Hirsi, daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar, was among those arrested and suspended.

House Republicans criticize Rep. Ilhan Omar for downplaying antisemitic protests at Columbia University

House Republicans criticize Rep. Ilhan Omar for downplaying antisemitic protests at Columbia University. Jewish students speak out about university leadership's failure to address antisemitism. Republicans express support for Jewish students and pledge to fight against antisemitism.

Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

Over 100 anti-Israel protesters were arrested at Columbia University as President Shafik testified before a House committee on antisemitism. Protests led to clashes with police and arrests, including Rep. Ilhan Omar's daughter. Columbia closed gates and requested NYPD's help to remove trespassers.

Protests at Columbia University involving Rep. Ilhan Omar's daughter

Rep. Ilhan Omar's daughter, Isra Hirsi, was taken into custody by the NYPD in connection with protests at Columbia University. She will face trespassing charges.

Anti-Israel activism at Columbia University

Rep. Ilhan Omar's daughter suspended from Barnard College amid anti-Israel activism. Anti-Israel protest at Columbia University dealt with 'Wet Farts.' Rep. Omar sounds alarm about 'toxic chemical substance.'