U.S. Politics

CNN anchor Jake Tapper criticized the U.S. Department of Justice for withholding audio tapes of Special Counsel Robert Hur's interview with President Biden from Congress, sparking a political controversy.

Contempt of Congress Resolution for Attorney General Merrick Garland

The House Rules Committee will debate a resolution to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing a subpoena to hand over recordings of President Joe Biden being interviewed by former Special Counsel Robert Hur.

President Biden's Mental Acuity Criticism

President Biden faced criticism regarding his mental acuity after a report by special counsel Robert Hur. Democrats and White House dismissed the claims as false narratives. Senior officials defended Biden's mental sharpness and knowledge.

Criticism of President Biden's Use of Executive Privilege

Rep. Kelly Armstrong criticizes President Biden's use of executive privilege to block the release of the audio of his interview with special counsel Robert Hur, emphasizing the importance of hearing things in one's own words over reading transcripts.

President Biden's decision to block release of audio recordings from Special Counsel investigation

President Biden invoked executive privilege to block the release of audio recordings from Special Counsel Robert Hur's investigation into him, despite initially insisting that Hur had mischaracterized the interviews. The White House may have chosen to face criticism rather than release potentially damaging audio for use in 2024 election ads.

President Biden's decision to assert executive privilege over interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur

President Biden asserted executive privilege over his interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur, preventing Congress from obtaining his audio recordings. The decision was made at the request of the attorney general to protect law enforcement files. Biden's mental lapses and poor memory during the interview were revealed, but Hur ultimately declined to prosecute due to insufficient evidence.

Debate over Contempt of Congress for Attorney General Merrick Garland

The House Oversight Committee will debate holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for not releasing audio recordings of President Biden's meetings with Special Prosecutor Robert Hur.

House Judiciary Committee Contempt Resolution Against Attorney General Merrick Garland

The House Judiciary Committee passed a resolution to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt for failing to disclose audio recordings of President Biden's interview with special counsel Robert Hur. Republicans maintain a narrow majority in the House to pass the resolution. Garland defied a final warning to comply with a subpoena for the recording despite several warnings and requests. Biden asserted executive privilege to prevent disclosure of the audio. The White House previously bragged about not asserting executive privilege over Hur's probe into Biden for mishandling classified documents.

Controversy over Executive Privilege and Justice Department

Attorney General Merrick Garland defends President Biden's decision to assert executive privilege over recordings of his interview with special counsel Robert Hur, citing potential harm to sensitive investigations. The Justice Department faces contempt charges for refusing to hand over the audio.

DOJ shields Attorney General Garland from contempt of Congress

The DOJ says it shields Attorney General Garland from contempt of Congress by asserting executive privilege over the audio of President Biden's interview with special counsel Robert Hur. The move is seen as a way to protect the Department from improper political influence and maintain independence in law enforcement work.

DNC Payment of Joe Biden's Legal Bills for Classified Documents Scandal

The Democratic National Committee paid President Joe Biden's $1.5 million legal bills for a classified documents scandal despite criticizing former President Donald Trump for using campaign funds for legal fees. Special counsel found Biden retained classified documents but declined to prosecute due to insufficient evidence.

Refusal to Release Audio of President Biden's Interview

Attorney General Merrick Garland refused to provide the audio of President Biden's interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur, leading to potential contempt of Congress. Republicans argue that the audio is necessary for oversight of the president's classified document scandal.

Potential Election Outcome if Trump is Convicted in Classified Documents Case

A Harvard Caps/Harris poll found that a majority of voters would vote for former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden if Trump is convicted in the classified documents case. Trump faces a maximum of 450 years in federal prison if convicted on all 40 charges.

President Joe Biden's handling of classified documents investigation

President Joe Biden falsely claimed that special counsel Robert Hur asked him about his son Beau Biden's death during an interview about handling classified documents. The transcript shows Biden brought up Beau's death himself. Hur did not recommend charges against Biden for mishandling classified documents, citing lack of evidence and Biden's poor memory as factors.

Political Double Standards on Memory Lapses

Rep. Jim Jordan clashed with CNN's Laura Coates over Robert Hur testimony about Biden's memory lapses, highlighting a perceived double standard in treatment between Biden and Trump regarding memory issues.

Defending Democracy Against Authoritarian Forces

Representative Jamie Raskin discusses the election in November, special counsel Robert Hur's testimony, and the importance of defending democracy and freedom against authoritarian forces rallying around Donald Trump.

GOP Rep. Kevin Kiley questions Special Counsel Robert Hur's decision not to recommend charges for President Biden

GOP Rep. Kevin Kiley questions Special Counsel Robert Hur's decision not to recommend charges for President Biden based on a 'perverse' implication that the current prosecution of former President Trump influenced the decision. The report found that Biden willfully mishandled classified materials but did not recommend charges due to his age and mental state.

House Hearing on Special Counsel Robert Hur's Report

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff accuses Special Counsel Robert Hur of playing politics with his report on President Biden’s handling of classified documents, leading to a contentious House hearing. Hur denies the accusations, stating that his report was meant to be comprehensive and thorough, not politically motivated.

Special Counsel Report on President Joe Biden's Handling of Classified Materials

Special Counsel Robert Hur corrected Democrats' claims that his report exonerated President Joe Biden for mishandling classified materials, stating that the word 'exoneration' does not appear in the report. Hur described Biden as an elderly man with a poor memory but could not charge him with 'willfully retaining' classified documents.

House Judiciary Hearing on President Joe Biden's Ghostwriter

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz questions Special Counsel Robert Hur on President Joe Biden's ghostwriter during a House Judiciary hearing, expressing concern over the handling of evidence related to classified documents.

Response to Robert Hur's Testimony on President Joe Biden

Rep. Madeleine Dean responded to former Special Counsel Robert Hur's testimony, clarifying that Hur did not exonerate President Joe Biden but concluded that no criminal charges were warranted due to lack of evidence. Some Democrats on the committee had attempted to portray Hur's statement as an exoneration.

Special Counsel Investigation into President Joe Biden's Handling of Classified Documents

Special counsel Robert Hur testifies that politics played no part in his investigation or report into President Joe Biden's handling of classified documents. The hearing turns into a proxy battle between Biden and Donald Trump. Biden cooperated with the investigation, while Trump is accused of concealing classified documents. Hur recommended no criminal charges for Biden due to insufficient evidence.

The potential repercussions of attacking Attorney Robert Hur during his testimony on Capitol Hill

Attorney Robert Hur, a Republican lawyer and former federal prosecutor, oversaw an investigation into Joe Biden's possession of classified documents and concluded there was insufficient evidence for criminal charges. Democrats should be cautious in attacking him during his testimony on Capitol Hill as he could potentially damage Biden's reputation further. Hur has a history of political independence and may have more damaging information not widely reported. The report on Biden's memory and handling of classified documents has flaws but also raises valid concerns.

President Biden's handling of classified information

Special Counsel Robert Hur testified that President Biden willfully retained classified materials after his vice presidency but did not recommend criminal charges due to lack of evidence. Trump criticized Biden's handling of classified information, claiming he received a 'free pass' from the Justice Department.

Special Counsel Robert Hur's Congressional Hearing on President Biden's Memory and Mental State

Special Counsel Robert Hur's upcoming congressional hearing on President Biden's memory and mental state reveals frequent memory lapses and contradictions in claims. Biden struggled to remember details about his son's death and his term as vice president, raising concerns about national security.

Special Counsel Robert Hur's Testimony on President Biden's Memory and Mental State

Former Special Counsel Robert Hur is set to testify on President Biden's memory and mental state, defending his report on Biden's handling of classified documents. Hur maintained that his assessment was fair and necessary, pushing back against accusations of politicization.

Special Counsel Robert Hur Testifies on President Joe Biden's Handling of Classified Documents

Special Counsel Robert Hur testifies before Congress about his report on President Joe Biden's handling of classified documents, highlighting Biden's memory lapses but ultimately concluding no criminal charges should be filed. Biden denies intentionally retaining classified information and asserts his staff managed sensitive documents. Republicans and Democrats use the hearing to advance their political agendas.

Various News Headlines from FOX News Network

Special Counsel Robert Hur is expected to testify on Capitol Hill regarding President Biden's mishandling of classified records. Other topics include a potential Biden versus Trump rematch, Haiti's law and order collapse, Kate Middleton's photo edit scandal, and more.

President Biden's Memory and Fitness for Office

President Biden's Justice Department missed the deadline to hand over a transcribed interview by Special Counsel Robert Hur, which could shed light on Biden's memory and fitness for office. The White House is undecided on releasing the tape and transcript, despite media speculation about Biden's health. Democrats and Americans have expressed doubts about Biden's mental and physical health.

President Joe Biden's fitness for a second term

67% of voters believe President Joe Biden is too old to serve a second term, according to a Quinnipiac poll. Special Counsel Robert Hur described Biden as an elderly man with a poor memory, raising questions about his fitness for office.

Investigation into President Biden's handling of classified documents and concerns about his age

Special counsel Robert Hur clears President Biden of wrongdoing in handling classified documents, citing poor memory as a reason for not recommending charges. Public concerns about Biden's age and mental acuity are highlighted, with comparisons made to former President Trump. The article discusses the complexities of aging and the importance of assessing fitness for office based on performance rather than age alone.