Discovery of World’s Oldest Bottle of Wine in Ancient Roman Burial Site

The world’s oldest bottle of wine was discovered in an ancient Roman burial site in southern Spain, untouched for around 2,000 years. The liquid in the glass funeral urn was confirmed to be wine by researchers. The discovery breaks the previous record of the Speyer wine bottle from the fourth century AD.

Ancient Roman wine discovery in Spain

A 2,000-year-old Roman funerary urn in Spain was found to contain the oldest liquid wine ever discovered. The wine was preserved by a hermetic seal and identified as a white wine similar to modern fino wines.

Archaeological Discovery in Pompeii

Archaeologists in Pompeii uncover stunning Roman frescoes, including depictions of Greek god Apollo and Prince Paris meeting Helen of Troy. The frescoes are protected with temporary roofing and plaster glue to prevent damage. Other discoveries include mythological-themed frescoes and a frozen-in-time home construction project.

Pompeii archaeological discovery

Archaeologists in Pompeii have uncovered an ancient building site that reveals Roman construction methods, including the original technique for making cement and the use of concrete. This finding sheds light on how iconic structures like the Colosseum and the Pantheon were built.