Patriotic Displays at Rutgers University Amid Anti-Israel Protests

Students at Rutgers University in New Jersey showed patriotism by waving American flags and chanting 'USA' amid anti-Israel protests on campus, following a similar display at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

Anti-Israel Encampment at Rutgers University

An anti-Israel encampment was established on the lawn of Rutgers University by the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter. Similar encampments and protests have been seen on other college campuses in the United States, demanding divestment from companies tied to Israel and calling for a cease-fire in Gaza.

Anti-Israel Encampment at Rutgers University

An anti-Israel encampment was established on the lawn of Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey by Students for Justice in Palestine chapter. The encampment is there until divestment, with signs advocating for free Palestine and against colonialism. Similar encampments have been set up in other U.S. universities.

Rising Anti-Jewish Prejudice

Rutgers University President escorted out by police after pro-Palestinian protesters interrupt town hall. Fox News reports on rising anti-Jewish prejudice, including incidents at Harvard and statements by Hamas defector and 'Harry Potter' actress.