European Parliament Elections 2024

The European Parliament elections shook traditional ruling parties in France, Germany, and Italy, with far-right parties making significant gains. French President Macron and German Chancellor Scholz faced challenges from far-right parties. The center-right European People's Party remains the largest bloc in the EU assembly, with the center-left Socialists and Democrats closely following.

European Union Elections 2024

The European elections shook the foundations of the EU, with the far right making gains in France and Germany. Macron and Scholz faced challenges from nationalist parties. The Greens and pro-business liberals suffered heavy defeats. Decision-making in the European Parliament will be slower due to the election results.

Far-right Parties' Gains in EU Parliamentary Elections

Far-right parties in France and Germany made significant gains in the EU parliamentary elections, dealing defeats to Macron and Scholz. The rise of the far right could impact policies on migration, security, and climate. The EU could face challenges in passing legislation as the center loses seats to hard-right parties.

German Chancellor's Threat to Arrest Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's administration stated they would arrest and deport Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if the International Criminal Court implements a warrant for his detainment and extradition. This has sparked controversy and criticism regarding Germany's stance on Israel and the ICC.