Debate on Men's Physical Advantage in Sports

Bill Maher clashes with Neil deGrasse Tyson over men's physical advantage in sports and societal biases in Scientific American article. Tyson shrugs off claims, leading to a heated debate.

Debate on Scientific American's Claims About Male and Female Athletes

During an episode of HBO's 'Real Time,' astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson discussed claims made by Scientific American about differences between male and female athletes, emphasizing the need to focus on science. Host Bill Maher criticized the magazine's assertion that biases, not biological differences, contribute to inequity in sports. Tyson defended Scientific American, noting that the views were expressed by a former editor and urged a focus on scientific discussion.

Critique of Far-Left Influence on Institutions

Bill Maher criticizes institutions for being ideologically captured by the far-left wing, leading to a lack of trust. He mentions Scientific American as an example. Andrew Sullivan also points out the fear of social media backlash preventing open discussion.