Rescue and Rehabilitation of Baby Sea Turtles in South Africa

Several baby sea turtles were rescued and rehabilitated in South Africa after being washed up on beaches by a storm. Over 500 turtles were brought in, with around 400 being rehabilitated at the Turtle Conservation Center in Cape Town. The turtles had ingested plastic, highlighting the issue of plastic pollution in the oceans.

Rescue of Baby Sea Turtles in South Africa

Over 500 baby sea turtles washed up on South African beaches after a powerful storm, causing an aquarium in Cape Town to be stretched beyond capacity. The turtles, mostly endangered loggerheads, are being rehabilitated before being released back into the ocean. The storm also revealed the increasing danger of plastic pollution in the oceans.

Endangered Sea Turtles Release in Georgia

Nearly three dozen endangered sea turtles were released into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Georgia after being stunned by cold waters in northern states.

Sea Turtles and Coral Reef Restoration

Sea turtles were released back into the ocean after rehabilitation, while researchers in South Florida are using biodegradable straws to protect laboratory-grown coral from predatory fish. The Coral Fort, made from biodegradable straws, has been developed to boost the survival rate of transplanted coral to over 90%.

Sea Turtles Rehabilitation and Release

Thirty-four sea turtles were released back into the ocean after going through rehabilitation programs, with volunteers from various organizations helping transport them to different rehabilitation centers. The turtles were found stranded on Cape Cod and New York shores due to dropping ocean temperatures. Kemp’s ridley and green sea turtles were among those rehabilitated and released.