The upcoming solar eclipse and speculations about the second coming of Jesus

The upcoming solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, has sparked speculation about the second coming of Jesus, but there is no logical basis for this theory. Religious interpretations of celestial events are not new and have historical precedents. The article discusses past examples of people finding meaning in astronomical events and highlights the lack of agreement among New Testament authors regarding the timing of the second coming of Jesus.

Breakaway Cult Leader Tortures Followers

A man exiled from a fringe Christian sect formed his own breakaway cult to await the Second Coming of Jesus, carrying out horrific punishments on doubters. The cult leader, Roch Thériault, subjected his followers to twisted tortures, including sexual abuse, violence, and even dangerous surgical procedures. He was eventually caught by authorities, pleaded guilty to murder, and died in prison after being stabbed by his cellmate.