Reflection on the chaotic state of US politics

The author reflects on the chaotic state of politics in the US, yearning for a time when it was more boring and less sensationalized. They discuss the current political headlines and express a desire for a return to normalcy and less controversy.

The Dark Side of True Crime Content

True crime content has seen a surge in popularity, but there is a dark side to it as creators sometimes prioritize sensationalism over truth, leading to harmful consequences. Cases of innocent individuals being accused and conspiracy theories gaining traction are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of valuing truth over fiction in the true crime genre.

Tucker Carlson's 100th episode on show X

Tucker Carlson's 100th episode on his show X addresses long-standing conservative topics and features controversial guests, leading to a decline in viewership and credibility. Critics highlight the shift towards sensationalism, divisive content, and lack of journalistic rigor.

Cargo Ship Collision and Bridge Collapse in Baltimore

A cargo ship collision caused the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, leading to conspiracy theories online. Influencers and media figures spread baseless rumors, despite law enforcement finding no evidence of intentional harm. The incident highlights the trend of sensationalizing events for profit on social media platforms.