Dispute in the South China Sea

Philippine military chief demands China return seized rifles and equipment in disputed shoal in the South China Sea, likening the assault to piracy. Chinese coast guard personnel rammed and boarded Philippine navy boats, seizing rifles and causing damage.

South China Sea Clash Between Philippines and China

The Philippines accuses China's Coast Guard of launching a brutal assault with bladed weapons in the South China Sea, escalating tensions. Both countries blame each other for the clash near the Second Thomas Shoal. The incident marks a new level of aggression by China in the long-standing territorial dispute.

South China Sea territorial dispute

Video released by the Philippines military showed confrontation with China coast guard in the South China Sea.

Tensions between Philippines and China in the South China Sea

The United States renews warning to defend ally Philippines after clash with China in the South China Sea. Both countries blame each other for hostilities. China's actions threaten regional peace. Philippines condemns Chinese maneuvers. Rising tensions in the region due to territorial disputes.

Chinese Harassment of Philippine Coast Guard

Chinese vessels harassed and blocked Philippine coast guard during a medical evacuation in the South China Sea, leading to accusations of barbaric and inhumane behavior by the Philippines.

Sweden's Defense Minister's Concern Over Beijing's Actions in the South China Sea

Fox News reports on Sweden's Defense Minister expressing concern over Beijing's dangerous maneuvers against Philippine vessels in the South China Sea, emphasizing the need for security and freedom investments.

Tension Between Philippine and Chinese Coast Guards in the South China Sea

The Philippine coast guard accuses China of blocking efforts to evacuate a sick member of its armed forces in the South China Sea, calling the actions 'barbaric and inhumane.' China disputes the accusations and states that supplies and personnel can be evacuated if informed in advance.

Philippines-China Standoff in the South China Sea

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. warns China that any Filipino soldier killed by a Beijing water cannon would be considered an act of war, potentially dragging the U.S. into a conflict in the South China Sea.

U.S.-China Defense Meeting on Taiwan Tensions

The U.S. and Chinese defense chiefs discussed Taiwan tensions at a meeting in Singapore, emphasizing the importance of keeping military-to-military communication open. The dialogue also touched on conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza, and the South China Sea.

U.S.-China Defense Meeting in Singapore

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun met in Singapore to discuss potential conflicts in the region, highlighting issues related to Taiwan, the South China Sea, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Discovery of USS Harder Wreckage in South China Sea

The wreckage of the USS Harder, a U.S. Navy submarine that sank the most Japanese warships during World War II, has been found in the South China Sea after being missing for nearly 80 years.

Philippines' Security Alliances and Joint Drills in South China Sea

The Philippines continues to build security alliances and stage joint combat drills in disputed waters to defend its territorial interests, criticizing China's aggressive actions in the South China Sea. The U.S. has warned it will help defend the Philippines if attacked in the region.

Philippine Mayor Accused of Being Chinese Asset Amid South China Sea Dispute

The article reports on a Philippine mayor facing accusations of being a Chinese asset amid a territorial dispute with China. The mayor's involvement in a scam center and questionable background raise concerns about her allegiances.

Philippines-China Territorial Dispute in the South China Sea

Filipino activists and fishermen sail towards disputed shoal in the South China Sea, shadowed by Chinese coast guard ships. The convoy aims to assert Manila’s sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal, despite China’s claims. The Philippines has been involved in territorial disputes with China, seeking international support for its cause.

Tensions in the South China Sea

Tensions have escalated in the South China Sea after China intercepted a US Destroyer near Huangyan Island. China claims sovereignty over the South China Sea, which is disputed by the US and its allies, as well as other nations with claims in the region.

Military Exercise in South China Sea

U.S. and Philippine air forces, with Australian support, sank a mock enemy ship in war drills near the South China Sea.

U.S. and Philippine Joint War Drills in the South China Sea

U.S. and Philippine forces conducted joint war drills in the South China Sea, sinking a mock enemy ship. The drills were part of a larger exercise called Balikatan, aimed at combat-readiness and defense against external threats, particularly from China.

Tensions in the South China Sea

Chinese coast guard ships fired water cannons at Philippine patrol vessels near a disputed shoal in the South China Sea, causing damage and escalating tensions. The incident underscores the ongoing territorial conflict in the region.

Dispute between Philippines and China in the South China Sea

The Philippines accuses China's coast guard of harassment and damaging one of its boats in the disputed South China Sea area. China claims sovereignty over the area, but tensions have increased as the Philippines strengthens ties with the United States.

Summit on China Threat in South China Sea

President Biden held a summit with the Philippine President and Japanese Prime Minister to discuss the threat communist China poses in the South China Sea. The three leaders expressed serious concerns about China's aggressive behavior and illegal military development in the region.

Dispute over Thitu Island in the South China Sea

Thitu Island, also known as Pag-asa, in the South China Sea is a disputed territory between the Philippines and China. Residents face constant nuisance from Chinese vessels, leading to tensions and standoffs. The island is strategically located in rich fishing grounds and critical maritime trade routes, making it a key point of contention in the region.

Tensions in the South China Sea

China's military conducts patrols in response to U.S. and allies' naval exercises in the South China Sea. Tensions rise over territorial disputes and international arbitration ruling.

China's Aggression in the South China Sea

The Philippines claps back at China's aggression in the South China Sea after an incident involving water cannons by China's coast guard. The US condemns China's actions and reminds Beijing of the Mutual Defense Treaty with the Philippines.

Fox News Report on U.S. Congressional Candidate Lily Tang Williams and Philippines' Protest Against China

Fox News reports on U.S. congressional candidate Lily Tang Williams's reaction to Biden's State of the Union speech and the Philippines protesting against China over a water cannon assault in the South China Sea.

Philippines-China South China Sea Dispute

The Philippines summoned China's envoy to protest against aggressive actions in the South China Sea. China's coastguard used water cannon against a civilian boat supplying troops, leading to diplomatic tensions. The Philippines challenged China to take their claims to international arbitration.

Chinese Harassment of Philippine Resupply Mission in the South China Sea

Chinese ships blasted water cannons at Philippine vessels during a resupply mission to Second Thomas Shoal in the South China Sea, resulting in injuries and damage. Despite the harassment, the mission was successfully completed.

Chinese coast guard confrontation in the South China Sea

The Lixinsha Bridge in southern China partially collapsed after being struck by a barge. Chinese coast guard fired water cannons at a Philippine supply boat in the disputed South China Sea. The boat sustained damage, and this is the second confrontation involving the same boat this month.

Tensions in the South China Sea

Philippines' Secretary of National Defense accuses China of 'gutter talk' and 'propaganda' in its territorial claims amid tensions in the South China Sea.

U.S. Foreign Policy in Asia

Secretary of State Antony Blinken expresses U.S. support for the Philippines against Beijing's aggression in the South China Sea.

U.S.-Philippines Defense Ties and China's Actions in the South China Sea

Secretary of State Blinken praises strengthening defense ties with the Philippines, emphasizing shared concern about China's actions in the South China Sea. The U.S. and the Philippines have bolstered military cooperation, and economic ties are set to expand.

China's Aggression in the South China Sea

Fox News reports on China's growing aggression in the South China Sea as tensions between Beijing and Manila escalate over territorial claims.

South China Sea Collision

A collision between Philippine and Chinese Coast Guard vessels in the South China Sea raises fears of escalation in the disputed area claimed by China.

U.S.-China Relations and International Affairs

China's foreign minister criticizes the U.S. for being obsessed with suppressing China, citing misperceptions and unilateral sanctions on Chinese tech companies. He also addresses issues related to Taiwan, the Israel-Hamas war, and tensions in the South China Sea.

Collision in the South China Sea

The Lixinsha Bridge in southern China partially collapsed after being struck by a barge. Australia's prime minister expressed concerns over unsafe behavior in the South China Sea following a collision between Chinese and Philippine ships.

South China Sea Stand-off

The Philippines had a dramatic stand-off with China in the South China Sea, accusing China's coastguard of aggressive conduct. The incident escalated tensions in the region, with the Philippines vowing to assert its sovereign rights.

Chinese-Philippine Coast Guard Collision in South China Sea

Chinese and Philippine coast guard vessels collided in the disputed South China Sea, resulting in injuries to Filipino crew members. The incident occurred as Southeast Asian leaders gathered for a summit addressing Beijing's aggression at sea.

Philippines accuses China of dangerous maneuvers in the South China Sea

The Philippines accuses China of unprovoked acts of coercion and dangerous maneuvers in the South China Sea, leading to clashes between the two countries' vessels. The Philippines is pushing back against China's aggressive actions and calling for respect of maritime rights.

South China Sea Collision

The Philippines accused China's coast guard of dangerous maneuvers leading to a collision in the South China Sea.

South China Sea territorial dispute

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. defends his country's territory in the South China Sea against Chinese aggression. Both Marcos and the Philippine Foreign Minister call for upholding international law and opposing actions inconsistent with it.

South China Sea Dispute

China dispatched a military helicopter to disputed waters near the Scarborough Shoal and jammed the tracking systems of Philippine ships. The Philippines is increasing patrols to support local fishermen. The incident highlights ongoing tensions in the South China Sea.