Murder of Hollywood Movie Consultant Michael Latt

Homeless woman pleads guilty to murdering Hollywood movie consultant Michael Latt after stalking film director A.V. Rockwell. Latt, a social justice activist, was shot in his home by the woman who had been sending threatening letters to Rockwell. She pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and other charges.

George Galloway's Claim of Being Stalked by Fiona Harvey

British politician George Galloway claims that Fiona Harvey, who is suing Netflix for $170 million, stalked him in the 1980s, contradicting her denial on Piers Morgan's show. Harvey alleges that Netflix's portrayal of her in 'Baby Reindeer' as a stalker is false. Netflix plans to defend the matter vigorously.

Fiona Harvey suing Netflix and Richard Gadd over Baby Reindeer portrayal

Fiona Harvey plans to sue Netflix and Richard Gadd, creator of Baby Reindeer, for defamation. She denies being the inspiration for the stalker character in the show and claims the series is fiction. Harvey accuses Gadd of lying and damaging her career with false depictions.

Taylor Swift's Private Jet Tracker

Computer student Jack Sweeney continues to post Taylor Swift's private jet flight data despite receiving a cease and desist letter from her legal team. Taylor's team successfully shut down his Instagram account dedicated to tracking her jets. Jack believes he will not hear from Taylor's lawyers and views the attention as a form of awareness. Taylor's private jet has been used less frequently since the controversy. Jack is now working on a video of Elon Musk's flights.

Stalking of Harry Styles

A 35-year-old woman was sentenced to 14 weeks in prison for stalking Harry Styles by sending him thousands of greeting cards. She pleaded guilty to stalking involving serious alarm or distress and was hit with a 10-year restraining order.