U.S. granting temporary protected status to Yemeni nationals

The U.S. is granting temporary protected status to Yemeni nationals amidst concerns of national security risks due to potential terrorist ties. The move comes as Iran-backed Houthi rebels destabilize Yemen.

Extension of Temporary Protected Status for Yemeni Nationals in the U.S.

The Department of Homeland Security has extended and redesignated Temporary Protected Status for 4,000 Yemeni nationals in the U.S., allowing them to stay and work until March 2026. This program prevents deportation from countries facing crises.

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) Expansion Under Biden Administration

President Joe Biden's administration has expanded the Temporary Protected Status program to protect over 860,000 foreign nationals from deportation in the United States. The program covers individuals from 16 countries and has seen significant growth under Biden, with Venezuelans being the largest group benefiting from TPS.

Temporary Protected Status for Ethiopian Nationals in the U.S.

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security is extending Temporary Protected Status to over 15,000 Ethiopian nationals living in the U.S., allowing them to work and be shielded from deportation.

Biden Administration's Treatment of Haitian Migrants

Pressure is mounting on the Biden administration to change its treatment of Haitian migrants, but so far there are no plans to do so. Human rights organizations are requesting a moratorium on deportations, release of detained migrants, and designated Temporary Protected Status for Haitians already in the U.S.