U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation President Stepping Down Amid House Investigation

The president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation is stepping down amid a House investigation into donations received from the Tides Foundation. The investigation raises questions about the foundation's ties to a left-leaning organization that may conflict with its stated mission.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Defies Congressional Probe

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is refusing to provide information to a House Republican committee chairman investigating donations made through the Tides Foundation, raising questions about the source and purpose of the funds. The Chamber asserts it has no obligation to disclose more information about the donations.

Shift of U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation towards the left

Tax documents reveal that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation has shifted towards the left due to significant funding from the Tides Foundation, which is backed by George Soros. The Chamber's revenue dropped in 2022, and it paid large sums to an event planning company with Democratic ties. The organization's affiliation with Democrats raises questions about its alignment and support.