Fourth of July Travel in the United States

Airports and roads in the U.S. are gearing up for record-breaking travel numbers this Fourth of July season. Tips include arriving early at the airport, driving early to avoid traffic, watching out for heat-related delays, and checking gas prices and toll information.

Congestion Pricing Program in Manhattan

Controversial congestion pricing program in Manhattan aims to ease traffic by charging motorists $15 to enter busiest parts of the city.

The Diverging Diamond Interchange: A Safer and More Efficient Traffic Solution

The diverging diamond interchange is an unconventional design that makes left turns easier and safer, reducing crashes and traffic congestion. Invented by traffic engineer Gilbert Chlewicki, it has been implemented in over 200 locations across the U.S. and has proven to be efficient and effective in improving traffic flow.

Memorial Day Weekend Travel

As Memorial Day weekend approaches, millions are expected to travel, with traditional destinations like Florida, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles being popular choices. The FAA anticipates a surge in flights on Thursday, May 23. Weather may pose a threat to travel plans, with severe thunderstorms forecasted in certain areas. Travelers are advised to plan ahead, stay updated on traffic conditions, and ensure their vehicles are in good condition.

Congestion Pricing in New York City

New York City is set to implement congestion pricing in Manhattan to alleviate traffic congestion, with drivers facing a $15 fee to enter the busiest areas. The plan aims to reduce traffic and improve mass transit with the revenue generated.

Total Solar Eclipse 2024

Tips and advice for watching the total solar eclipse in 2024, including checking weather conditions, preparing for heavy traffic, and ensuring you have necessary supplies. Expert recommends early arrival and caution when leaving to avoid post-eclipse traffic jams.

Solar Eclipse Impact on School Schedules in 2024

Schools across the U.S. are rethinking class schedules for April 8, 2024, due to a solar eclipse. Some are closing or altering schedules due to safety concerns related to eclipse viewing and traffic.

Disneyland's Expansion Plans in Anaheim

Residents of Anaheim, California, are upset over Disneyland's plans to buy city-owned streets and close them off to local traffic for expansion. Disney claims 99% of the traffic on the affected road is Disney-related. The park is offering $40 million to take over ownership of the streets. Price hikes at Disneyland and Disney World followed a 21% attendance drop last year.