Political Response to 'Transgender Visibility Day' on Easter Sunday

Former President Trump vows to create 'Christian Visibility Day' in response to President Biden's declaration of 'Transgender Visibility Day' coinciding with Easter Sunday. Trump criticizes Biden's decision as disrespectful to Christians.

President Biden Proclaims Easter as Transgender Visibility Day

President Biden's proclamation of Easter as Transgender Visibility Day sparks outrage across the nation, with panelists on 'The Big Weekend Show' discussing the impact and implications of this decision.

White House declares Easter Sunday as Transgender Visibility Day

The White House announced that Easter Sunday would be Transgender Visibility Day, prompting backlash from some, including Magic forward Jonathan Isaac. The White House honored transgender Americans and reaffirmed commitment to equality. Isaac initially criticized the decision but later retracted his statement, acknowledging the annual observance. He emphasized the importance of focusing on the true meaning of Resurrection Sunday.

Controversy over Fairfax County's designation of Easter Sunday 2024 as 'Transgender Visibility Day'

Fairfax County, Virginia has designated Easter Sunday 2024 as 'Transgender Visibility Day,' sparking controversy among Christians who view it as a hijack of their sacred holiday. The Fairfax County School Board has added this day to its existing LGBT Pride Month and LGBT History Month designations, extending the celebration to 62 days in schools.