Mount Everest Cleanup Effort

A mountaineer has climbed Mount Everest 14 times and is leading a team of climbers to clean up trash on the mountain.

Teens Facing Felony Charges for Dumping Trash into Atlantic Ocean at Boca Bash in Florida

Teens face felony charges for dumping trash into the Atlantic Ocean at Florida's annual Boca Bash. Family issues apology and emphasizes the importance of ocean conservation. The incident has sparked outrage and global attention.

Bizarre Items Found on New Jersey Beaches

Volunteers in New Jersey found a wide range of bizarre items on the beaches, including a 50-pound bag of rice, a Baby Yoda doll, a severed Barbie head, and even a food fryer. The majority of the trash collected was plastic, with bottle caps and lids being the most common items. The report by Clean Ocean Action highlighted the strange and concerning items left behind on the state's coastline.

Trash Hazard in Fairfax District, Los Angeles

Neighbors in the Fairfax District of Los Angeles are concerned about a health hazard created by a home with mounds of trash in the front and back yards, which has been a persistent issue for years.