Tren de Aragua: Transnational Criminal Gang

The Tren de Aragua, a transnational criminal gang originating in a Venezuelan prison, has expanded its operations to the US, engaging in various criminal activities including human trafficking, drug trafficking, and murder. Law enforcement officials are concerned about the gang's presence and impact in the country.

Dismantling of Sex Trafficking Network in the U.S. involving Venezuelan Nationals

U.S. law enforcement dismantles sex trafficking network led by Venezuelan nationals associated with Tren de Aragua criminal organization. Victims were smuggled into the U.S. and forced into prostitution to pay off debts. The gang is involved in various criminal activities and has ties to Venezuela's socialist regime.

Inclusion of Tren de Aragua in CBP Gang-Affiliation Reports

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has started including the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua criminal organization in its gang-affiliation reports. The organization has rapidly expanded its criminal activities across Latin America and in U.S. cities, engaging in various illegal activities. The socialist regime in Venezuela denies the existence of Tren de Aragua, claiming it is a media fabrication. Reports suggest the gang has been used by the regime to target dissidents abroad. The gang's operations have been linked to the state, with reports of infiltration into law enforcement agencies.

Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua seeking to establish presence in the United States

Members of the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua, known for extensive criminal activities, are seeking to establish a presence in the United States, causing concern among officials and the Venezuelan community. Lawmakers are urging President Biden to designate the gang as a Transnational Criminal Organization to combat its threat.

Biden administration's release of a wanted criminal

The Biden administration released a Venezuelan national, who was on Interpol's most wanted list for murder, extortion, and drug dealing in Colombia, after briefly detaining him for illegally crossing the border into Texas. The criminal was re-arrested on March 12 and is now in ICE custody.